ivy like
moles? Is there anything good about it? Is it more like
kudzu than
vinca? Does it ever truly go away upon removal or does it just lurk underground, waiting its chance to sprout anew when the focus is off it and onto something new and shiny? Finally, is it wrong to just kill it?
We'll find out. Our current goal is to remove the ivy from the front yard on both sides of the driveway. This requires upper-body strength and tools, neither of which we have. It turns out the neighbors have both of those things AND a couple of cats which they would like us to feed for the coming week when they are out of town. Such a deal! The upper-level-ivy part of the removal took them an hour X 2 people, which may be about the amount of time we spend next week with their cats. Good trade. Dear Dave took out the vinca and started the ivy-roll back in June, before his bum-knee started giving him grief. Again.
This is the ickiness that is 'ivy everywhere.' There's some vinca in there, too, which doesn't make it better.
The photo above is from 2010, before the side-yard renovation was complete, before the Dogwood was removed.
June, 2012, vinca & half the ivy is out, thanks to Dave.
Dave rolled up the ivy while digging out the roots.
Roll of ivy on the driveway after removal.
August 2012, the retaining wall of boulders is revealed, making the ferns look huge.
Thanks to Jim and Kaye for their heroic efforts on behalf of their cats!
The current plan is to dig out the dirt down a foot or more to get out as much of the ivy root-system as possible and refill with good top-soil and steer manure. A small back-hoe may be involved. Then we'll be able to plant above the boulders and below them as well, effectively having another whole garden. The ferns will probably be transplanted to the back yard, as they are too big for this location.
The other side of the drive has its own challenges.
Along the walkway to the porch. |
This is the driveway side, with its own boulder retaining wall. |
Under the front porch.
This side of the ivy problem will be much more tedious. It's at an awkward angle and we may have to bring in the pros. When the ivy is gone, the tree frogs will have to move along. Listening to their croaking has been a constant source of amusement over the years and in all those years we've never seen one, hence no link to what they may look like. It's a mystery.
To be continued.