Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cables and Checks Vests

Three of them.

Classic Elite Provence
knit by Rebecca

Classic Elite Provence
Knit by Peggy

ONline Clip
Knit by Peggy
Pattern designed by Janet Charbonnier and may still be available at Acorn Street Yarn Shop in Seattle. We knit the Ruby and Topaz vests in the last decade of the last century; Peggy finished the Emerald version in May 2008. This is a timeless vest and a very fun knit.

Pin is designed by Wilma Hoffman. Wilma is a genius at putting together odd and ends of Bakelite and creating beautiful pins and other jewelry.


Lorette said...

Lovely, all of them! All of a sudden, I want to knit a vest!

Anonymous said...

This is a really elegant design, and so nice to see in three colors. Beautiful work!

Linda said...

I really like those vests and you are right about the timelessness. ; )