The final day of Le Tour de Fleece found us with a lovely pile of newly spun fiber, a total of 2,037 yards.
Left to right: 198 yard of 100% Cashmere by Peggy, 130 yards of 100% Pygora by Peggy, 624 yards of 50/50 Yak Merino by Peggy, 495 yards of 66.6/33.3 Mohair Silk by Rebecca, 590 yards of 50/50 Yak Merino by Rebecca
Rebecca's pile:Yak Merino on top
Mohair Silk below
Finished project #2: 50/50 Merino Yak. 3.9oz, 590 yards of 2-ply, 24 wpi. Started spinning on July 7th and finished on July 26th, one day shy of the final day of Le Tour de Fleece ~ yea me, I achieved my Tour goal of spinning every day and I'm extremely happy with the resulting two hanks of lace-weight yarn. Perhaps my goal for next year will be to spin something other than lace-weight.
2-ply on walnut skeiner
2-ply close-up
2-ply on spool w/ penny for scale
Peggy's pile:
Cashmere, Pygora, Yak Merino
Finished Project #3 (2008 Tour de Fleece) on Saturday, July 26th. I ended up with 624 yards of lace weight. I purposely over-spun and over-plied to get a decent twist remaining in the yarn after washing. You can see how the yarn relaxed in the bathwater (fourth photo) and how kinky it started out (third photo.)
I’m planning to dye the yarn and hopefully, 600+ yards will be enough for a pretty baby blanket.
624 yards of Yak Merino, washed and relaxed
Pre-washed 2-ply on the skeiner, with a penny for scale
Pre-washed hank, over-spun and over-plied