Another BFL

Peggy bought this wonderful colorway called Dutch Canyon from Blue Moon Fibers at Black Sheep Gathering in June 2006. She started spinning on November 24th and finished chaining the singles on
The yarn is cushy and beautiful and will hopefully be the variegated yarn part of the vest pattern on the cover of the Folk Vests book by Cheryl Oberle. The next part of Peggy's project is to spin and ply a black wool/alpaca blend from Dawn's Custom Carding which I, Rebecca, purchased in September 2005. I took the fiber for a trial spin (heh heh) and enjoyed it very much but changed my mind about doing the spinning for a sweater I knew I would never knit. Peggy received a big bag 'o black wool and alpaca with which she's very happy!
Speaking of Cheryl Oberle’s Folk Vests, there are two patterns in this book that would probably be most appropriate for hand-spun yarn. Both are
Man, that's beautiful.
I want to be you when I grow up (both of you). Without actually having to grow up, that is.
Oh my goodness, those colors are beautiful! I am really itching to try my hand at dying. I've done a little, but nothing that makes me feel the need to not buy Blue Moon Fibers anymore...I wonder if I can get anything that color, it's probably too late, huh?
Very beautiful yarn! I love the colors.
I wonder, would you ladies write a short post expaining how you chain so nicely? Mine always ends up lumpy, and I'm certain there's something I'm missing in the technique... if you have the time and inclination, it would be greatly appreciated :)
I can't believe that is handspun!!! I want to bury my face in it and the colors sing!
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