Plan A:
Clean up my yarn room because I thought I had misplaced a bit of roving I was working on and needed it in order to finish this project so that I could move on to the next project, the one I 'really' wanted to spin. I couldn't find it in the mess that was my office/guest/yarn room but I knew it was in there, somewhere.
I know it's not just me, but why is it that every time I need to do something I'm required to do 5 other things in order for that one thing to happen? sigh. Yet things needed to be moved, and in order to move them other things had to be moved, and then cleaned under...well, we all know how it goes. Ultimately the kitchen floor gets swept and washed and it's not even part of the plan. It's magical, really.
I eventually finished de-cluttering my yarn room. I can now actually spin and knit in here again. While I watch dvds! All good. Rather, mostly good.
Bad? No roving found. Curious, since this is the only place in the house it could possibly be and I know this because of those 5 other things I had to do first, which included looking into every basket and drawer I touched in hopes that the wayward roving would show itself and save me from all this housework. But no.
Plan 2: Weigh it. Pull out the yarn scale (which I can now find) and, deducting for the 1.9 ounce spool and throwing on the little swatches I had knit up and found in one of those baskets I looked through, I have 4.8 ounces. It’s all there. How could that happen? Since it didn't even fill up one spool I was sure there must be more. But chaining, while giving it that cushy feel, plus the added bonus of clear color runs instead of 2-ply heathering, decreases by a third the total yardage. Had I known I would be chaining, I would have purchased more. But that would have required forethought and planning. Yardage wise, 260 yards is not enough for a pair of socks, my original plan for this roving and the reason for chaining the single in the first place. There would have been enough, had I just 2-plyed it, as 4.8 ounces is adequate for socks and I would have ended with about 400 yards.

Clearly, a sock with a patterned top and a coordinating foot is called for here... your chained yarn is beautiful.
Love your sign-off line--I'm going to appropriate it!
You probably still have enough yarn for socks, just thicker. Or use something else for heels and toes to eke it out.
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